Sunday, March 16, 2008

How To Make Your Elliptical Workouts Fun Again

Elliptical trainers are very basic equipment, they are however fitted with many extra options that make your workout more effective. Items like calorie counters, heart rate monitors and devices to keep track of how far you have gone. Although interesting to use these devices don't really do much to make your elliptical workouts fun!

Fun Workout Tips

Work The Upper Body
: Most elliptical machines are designed with the total body workout in mind. However using the upper body levers is an option that many people do not take advantage of. By utilizing this option you can target different muscle groups and keep your workouts interesting.

Stride Length: Chances are if you use an elliptical trainer at a health club or gym that you can adjust the stride length of the machine. To work you hips and buttocks more go for shorter faster strides. To target your complete lower body use longer strides. You can even change strides mid workout to mix it up a little.

Vary Your Speed: By doing short thirty second to one minute sprints followed by two or three minute normally paced strides you will shock your body in a new way and help build and tone your muscles in a new way.

Go Backwards: Running backwards on the elliptical is a great way to make your workouts different and interesting. You can do the whole workout backwards or switch off at certain timed intervals. Mix this with strides and speed burst and the workout can get very intense!

By doing your elliptical workouts slightly different each time you go into the gym you will lose weight and gain muscle faster. You will also stop workout boredom, the major cause of people quitting their exercise programs.

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