Monday, March 24, 2008

Elliptical Comparison - What To Look At When Comparing Elliptical Trainers

If you're buying an elliptical, you'll want to make several elliptical comparisons and get the best deal. Enter the Internet. With the knowledge you can find online, buyers can get a much better deal than they used to get at their local department store.

So what do you need to know when making elliptical comparisons? While the elliptical market is getting more crowded each year, there are some simple things you can look for to find the best value models.
This article will give you 7 main features to look at when you compare elliptical trainers along with where to make easy elliptical comparisons.

1) Stride Length - This is essentially the farthest distance between the pedals during the elliptical motion. Stride length ranges on ellipticals from 12 to 21 inches.

Stride length is important as a short stride length doesn't fully work your leg muscles and doesn't give you as effective a workout as longer stride ellipticals. Cheaper ellipticals usually offer a 12 to 15 inch stride.
For the average height person an 18 inch stride is good. Taller people may prefer a 20 inch stride and shorter people may prefer a 16 to 18 inch stride.

2) Upper Body Workout Arms - Most people want the option to work their arms while exercising. This helps provide resistance training for your upper body so you burn more calories and get a better workout overall. This feature is found on most elliptical trainers however on some - even the higher end ones - it is not available.

You also want to make sure you don't have to lean over while using the bars which can diminish the effectiveness of your workout (this can happen on many of the cheaper elliptical models which don't have the proper arm to leg pedal ratio).

3) Weight Capacity - The user weight capacity is a great indicator of the stability of the elliptical trainer. For example, a 250 lb user weight capacity may mean that it can take up to 250 lbs however it is not nearly as stable as one with a 350 lb user weight capacity.

The 250 lb elliptical also probably won't hold up as well if you want to pick up your pace. Highly stable elliptical trainers will have higher user weight capacities (depending on your weight this could be 300 lbs and up).

4) Warranty - While warranties range for different elliptical trainers, you want to choose an elliptical with at least a one year parts warranty - preferably longer.

Just like user weight capacity, the length of the warranty is another indicator of the quality of parts used to build the elliptical machine. A longer warranty indicates a higher quality of elliptical construction.

5) Console: - While there are a range of different options here, it really depends on you. Do you want to see calories burned, speed, time, distance, heart rate? Do you want to see them all simultaneously?
One thing to watch for is that the console is well lit so you can read it while you exercise. Many cheaper ellipticals are hard to read, especially if the lighting in your workout area is not the best.

6) Resistance - Resistance is basically how hard your legs have to push during the elliptical motion. Resistance gives you more of a challenge while you workout and can help you ramp up your calorie burn or work intervals into your workout.

Most elliptical trainers do offer a range of resistance levels. Look for a trainer that makes resistance changes simple (i.e. one-touch resistance adjustment).

7) Price - Ellipticals range in price from $300 to $3000. It's up to you what you pay but just keep in mind that with elliptical trainers - price usually reflects quality - you do get what you pay for.

Economy priced ellipticals (under $800) are simply not built as well as higher quality ellipticals in the $900+ range and this can end up costing you in repairs, injury and less effective workouts.
Finally, when buying your elliptical trainer, remember to consider everyone who will be using it, their weight capacity, workout preferences and fitness goals.

By knowing these facts when making elliptical comparisons, you're way ahead of 99% of most elliptical buyers and well prepared to choose the best elliptical for you.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Treadmill Review - Tips For Choosing The Best Treadmill For You And Save Money Too!

If you're looking for the best tips for choosing the best treadmill for you and your specific needs and for saving money too, here are a few that will help. Treadmills today are coming out with more and more new features or options such as TV's and miniature fans, which leaves more room for manufacturing defects and other problems.

This may require even more research on your part.Prices on the top 15 treadmills range between $1900 and $3500 on both the folding and non-folding units. The more expensive treadmills will have more horsepower, a thicker deck and have sturdier construction than the less expensive models and probably have a longer warranty too.

The folding models range between $1000 and $2600 but most cost between $1300 and $1500. You can get a very nice machine that will give you a good workout even with the lower-priced treadmills.Non-folding brands include Landice, NordicTrack, SportsArt, Precor, True and Vision Fitness. Folding brands include Bowflex, NordicTrack, Horizon Fitness, ProForm, Keys Fitness, Smooth Fitness, LifeSpan and Evo.

You don't want to find that when you bring your exercise treadmill home that it's faulty after you set it up. It'll likely be covered under the warranty but this can be annoying and disappointing. There may be no way to get around this except by reading treadmill reviews and checking ratings to find out which have fewer complaints so you can avoid repairs.When choosing the best treadmill for you consider how much space you have in which to store it.

It'll take up about as much space as a long loveseat and a folding unit will take up about half that space when you fold it up. One of the smaller folding treadmills is about six square feet when it's folded up. If you plan to run on it make sure the deck isn't going to be too small for you. All home treadmills are good for walking, of course, but if you plan to use it for running then you should choose a non-folding model because it'll be much sturdier than the folding models.

Make sure to check for the quality of the construction. Is it sturdy? Does it seem flimsy or unsteady in any way?Check out the features that come with some of the units such as an LCD TV. Do you really need it? If you already know you need a fan, setting up a portable unit for your workout may be a lot cheaper. Quite a few treadmill models have very small cooling fans that are built right into the console but a floor fan is cheaper and may keep you much cooler.

Check out the belt to make sure that it has enough usable exercise room for you or any other user in your household and that it can handle varying levels of fitness. Make sure it's big enough for walking with your stride length and that it can handle running if you plan to do so.Check out all the buttons and make sure they are user-friendly and that you can easily read the display. Check to make sure that it's easy to get on and off and that you can exercise on it easily.

To save money on your treadmill look for close-out sales, other types of sales and discounts and try to get it wholesale if you have the connections. Always try to get it for less. Ask the salesperson if there are any discounts available - senior discounts, nurses' discounts, health professionals' discounts, business discounts, etc. If there are none try to get something you can use thrown in with it, free. You may be able to save quite a bit if you buy online. But, if possible, try out selected models in a 'brick and mortar' store first.

Many online dealers offer free shipping.If you can settle for a cheaper used treadmill try used sporting goods or consignment stores or find some for sale on Craigslist locally. How about buying machines from fitness centers that are closing? We've had several in our area close this year as the big franchises have moved in.

Also the workout gyms and big health clubs get new equipment; see if you can buy one of their old treadmills that may still have a lot of life left in it.In any event these are a just a few of the best tips I've found for choosing the best treadmill for you and saving money too. Following these tips should help you make the right decision about which is the best one for you and how to get the best buy too.

Elliptical Machines - Best Features To Look For In An Elliptical Trainer And Save Money Too!

Thinking about buying an elliptical machine or trainer? Before you start shopping, review our list of some of the best tips to help determine which elliptical trainer will work best for you and your current situation and how you can save money too.

Elliptical machines offer one of the best cardiovascular workouts. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, the elliptical trainer works with whatever your exercise level to give you the best experience for your fitness level.

A very important part of a successful cardiovascular exercise routine depends on the comfort level you experience while you're using the machine. An elliptical machine works well because it has a smooth, flowing movement that encourages you as you go.

It's important to note that a key part of its rhythmic movement depends on the length of the stride. There are some models on the market that have a 14-inch stride. But you should always buy a trainer with a stride length of at least 21 inches for optimal use.

You want to look for a machine with an adjustable incline and with varying levels of resistance. The incline feature will give you more aerobic activity. And as you become more experienced you can challenge yourself to an even more optimum fitness level.

The machine should offer a range of incline and resistance levels so you have a wide array of workout programs available to choose from. So when you decide to change incline or resistance levels during your workout, the change should be smooth and non-jarring so you can change the inclines any time during the workout you like, while enjoying an optimum workout routine.

Another important factor is to check and see how noisy the machine is? It's important when you're buying a new piece of home exercise fitness equipment to find a model that is quiet enough for you. When you work out, you want it to have a quiet, shushing sound, so you can listen to your favorite music or television program at the same time.

Check for good safety features. Make sure there is a cooling fan and warm-up and cool-down programs so you can work your muscles both comfortably and effectively.

Look for a heart rate monitor. It can help you work out smarter, not harder. With the heart rate monitor, you can be sure you're reaching your best aerobic/heart rate goals.

Look for upper arm handles that move smoothly with your normal routine. And with the dual-action upper body handles, you can get a complete body workout each time.

An LCD front panel display can give you a reading and monitoring system that's easy-to-understand and read. You can read the time, speed, distance, calorie output, hand pulse and other options in a very easy format.

Check to see what the maximum user weight is for the machine. Compare to the weight of the users in your household to ensure that they can all use the machine.

Do you have enough available space for the machine? Measure the area you plan to use and note the specs on so you can use the full range of motion without hitting a wall or a piece of furniture. An average unit will be about 52"x 24"x 62".

Try to find a fairly maintenance-free elliptical machine with a warranty of at least one year for labor and one to three years for parts so you have the ultimate workout exercise program each and every year. Whether you buy a new, used or refurbished machine read the warranty or guarantee first!

Check Consumer Reports magazine and see if they have a current elliptical machine review with ratings. You can save money by checking out prices online and comparing them to the prices in your local fitness or big box stores. Many online dealers offer free shipping. If you find the brand and model you want you can try it out locally and then compare with the online prices.

Some of the used sporting goods stores and used sports consignment stores have slightly used or refurbished trainers at much lower prices; some will be in remarkably good condition because many people buy fitness equipment and don't use it. If you really want to save a lot of money look for close-out sales, steeply discounted sales, lesser known brands and possible wholesale connections.

Keep these tips in mind when you're shopping for this great piece of home fitness equipment. These elliptical machines can give you a great workout, but as with all major purchases, it pays to know what to look for before you invest. Armed with these tips you should be able to buy the best machine and save money too.

Monday, March 17, 2008

How Elliptical Machine Workouts Can Help you?

Many people wonder how elliptical machine workouts can help them. There are many benefits of elliptical machine workouts that can not only help you get into shape, but also encourage the most unenthusiastic person about exercising. Elliptical machine workouts have many benefits, and unlike using weights and other types of exercise equipment, elliptical machine workouts are much easier on the body.
Elliptical machine workouts do into require any special equipment, skill or fitness requirement, which makes elliptical machine workouts universal. Because of this reason alone, it is now wonder that elliptical machine workouts are becoming so popular.

One of the greatest features about elliptical machine workouts is that they are low impact. This takes a big burden of strain away from your exercises and also helps elliptical machine workouts more user friendly. Due to the low impact, elliptical machine workouts are very safe, as there is a very low chance that you will not injure any part of your body.
This is especially useful for people who are new to exercising and are not in full exercise shape, and this makes elliptical machine workouts user friendly for older aged adults. It may be surprising to some, but due to the low impact, elliptical machine workouts actually can burn more calories then form doing regular fitness routines. This can help you reach your fitness goals at a more rapid rate.

Another benefit of elliptical machine workouts is the lower perceived exertion that you feel after a workout. This may mystify some, however elliptical machine workouts really do seem easier and you are working just as hard as if you were doing any other exercise, if not harder. Elliptical machine workouts accomplish this because they copy the natural movements of your body. By doing this, elliptical machine workouts seem easier making it easier to provide a hard workout without it feeling like it is so hard.
There is a caution point to this however. You must remember to not over strain your body. Some elliptical machine workouts seem very simple because some machines provide a lower impact then the average machine. For this reason, you want to be sure to keep your elliptical machine workouts at a moderate level and time period. This will help you not work your body to hard and over strain it.

Depending on what type of machine you have, you can make your elliptical machine workouts into full body exercises. This is a great benefit, and even though not all machines provide a full body workout, elliptical machine workouts still provide the highest calorie burn in the shortest amount of time. So regardless of what type of machine you have, your elliptical machine workouts can be done quickly while still maintaining effective results.

Elliptical machine workouts also provide interval training. With elliptical machine workouts you can use different resistance levels and sometimes even different elevation levels to change your workout. This can help you build and lower different workout challenges to your elliptical machine workouts which makes elliptical machine workouts easily customizable.

As you can see, elliptical machine workouts are easy and offer many benefits that other exercise machines and fitness programs do not offer. Elliptical machine workouts are great for all ages, fitness levels and body types. Because of all the great features and benefits that elliptical machine workouts provide, it is no wonder that elliptical machine workouts are becoming so popular.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Elliptical Workout vs. Treadmill Workout

An elliptical workout differs from a treadmill workout in a few ways. Both will give you an aerobic workout but an elliptical trainer will work different muscle groups than a treadmill.

While both are excellent choices, they do have distinct differences. By knowing the difference, you can decide if an elliptical workout, the treadmill workout or even a combination of both works best for you.
Elliptical Workout
When comparing an elliptical workout to a treadmill workout the first thing you will notice is the elliptical trainer has much less impact. This low impact is especially good for people with joint, knee, lower back or hip problems.

An elliptical workout also works the upper and lower body simultaneously which makes your heart rate climb faster than with a treadmill workout. The elliptical trainer works your legs, back, shoulders, chest and your arms making it a total body workout.

Another great feature of an elliptical workout is you can add variety by pedaling backwards. This backward pedaling motion targets your lower body quadricep muscles.

Treadmill Workout
A treadmill workout can also give you an excellent aerobic workout and a lot of people still prefer it to an elliptical workout. If you prefer to run, jog or walk to exercise it's obviously a smarter choice.

If you are just beginning to workout or just don't want a total body workout a treadmill workout might be perfect. Most treadmills offer a different intensity level that you can increase as you get more fit.

A treadmill workout provides a different variety over an elliptical workout by allowing you to run, jog or walk on an incline. While it is a less intense workout, it is a great way to burn fat while promoting good cardiovascular health.

Even though treadmills remain the number one piece of fitness equipment sold today, elliptical trainers are quickly becoming very popular. With more and more health clubs adding more elliptical trainer machines, more people will try elliptical workouts.

Both elliptical workouts and treadmill workouts will build bone density, burn fat, promote good cardiovascular health and increase your energy level. The important thing is to workout on a regular basis whether it's at home or in a gym.

If you are looking to purchase a treadmill or an elliptical trainer, the bottom line is, you usually get what you pay for. There are great values especially online but it just makes sense to get quality equipment that will last.

Whether you prefer a treadmill workout or an elliptical workout choose the one that you feel is right for you. That way you will work out more often, lose more weight and be much healthier.

How To Make Your Elliptical Workouts Fun Again

Elliptical trainers are very basic equipment, they are however fitted with many extra options that make your workout more effective. Items like calorie counters, heart rate monitors and devices to keep track of how far you have gone. Although interesting to use these devices don't really do much to make your elliptical workouts fun!

Fun Workout Tips

Work The Upper Body
: Most elliptical machines are designed with the total body workout in mind. However using the upper body levers is an option that many people do not take advantage of. By utilizing this option you can target different muscle groups and keep your workouts interesting.

Stride Length: Chances are if you use an elliptical trainer at a health club or gym that you can adjust the stride length of the machine. To work you hips and buttocks more go for shorter faster strides. To target your complete lower body use longer strides. You can even change strides mid workout to mix it up a little.

Vary Your Speed: By doing short thirty second to one minute sprints followed by two or three minute normally paced strides you will shock your body in a new way and help build and tone your muscles in a new way.

Go Backwards: Running backwards on the elliptical is a great way to make your workouts different and interesting. You can do the whole workout backwards or switch off at certain timed intervals. Mix this with strides and speed burst and the workout can get very intense!

By doing your elliptical workouts slightly different each time you go into the gym you will lose weight and gain muscle faster. You will also stop workout boredom, the major cause of people quitting their exercise programs.