Sunday, December 23, 2007

Before You Buy an Elliptical Machines

The goal when buying an elliptical trainer is to get the best value in your price range. Just like most products, there are certain elliptical brands and models that offer a better bang for your dollar. Below is a list of considerations to assist you in making the right buying decision.

Cheap is Cheap
There are elliptical trainers available for as little as a few hundred dollars. What a deal, or is it? If you plan to use your elliptical trainer for more than a clothes hanger, you want a machine that is durable and will hold up for the long haul. Cheap elliptical trainers are built with cheap parts. That is how they can afford to sell them at bargain prices. When you compromise on the components, the potential for mechanical problems increases.

A Comfortable Stride
Elliptical trainers have different stride lengths. You want to purchase a machine with an elongated elliptical motion, not a circular motion that has you bouncing up and down. Some elliptical trainers come with strides that are as short as 14 inches. Exercising on a machine with that short of stride can make you seasick. I recommend purchasing an elliptical with a minimum 18 inch stride. You will really notice the difference.

You want a machine that is stable and has a solid feel. Cheap ellipticals are very lightweight, which affects the overall stability of the machine. If you are overweight, or you are into strenuous workouts, you may find the machine rocking back and forth and moving around. Moreover, buying a compact elliptical can also negatively affect the stability of the machine. The short base and smaller footprint will make the machine less stable. You want an elliptical with a solid feel. When you test the equipment, rock it and shake it to see exactly how stable and sturdy it feels.

Company & Product Reputation
When you purchase an elliptical trainer, you are not only buying a piece of equipment, but also the company that stands behind it. Whether you buy online or through a local retailer, you want to be assured that the company will adequately support their products. I have numerous people contact me and complain about certain manufacturers. One recently used a variety of four letter words. The Internet is ideal for researching products and companies. Through third party reviews and customer testimonials, you can get a good feel about the reputation of both company and their products.

Company Warranty
Warranties can be very insightful. In a sense, the extent of a warranty tells you how much faith the company has in the durability of their machine. You will notice that cheap elliptical trainers come with a 90-day parts and labor warranty. The manufacturers know they probably will not last much longer then the coverage period. In contrast, there are manufacturers that offer such generous warranties as lifetime on parts, and two years service. If your budget is limited and you can only afford an elliptical with a limited warranty, consider purchasing the extension option.

What Should You Spend?
Of course, you can only spend what you can afford, but these are my recommendations. If you plan to use the elliptical for moderate exercising, you should figure spending at least $700. For those that plan to use the elliptical for regular strenuous workouts, or will have multiple users, you should look at equipment starting at $1,500. Weight is another factor to consider. The heavier you are the more strain it puts on the machine.
Buy Smart

Elliptical trainers are great for getting a low-impact, upper and lower body workout. Buy smart and you will have a machine that is ideal for achieving your fitness goals.

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Why Use an Elliptical Trainer? Benefits of Elliptical Machines

Have you noticed how many elliptical trainers are at your local health club? Elliptical machines are growing in popularity and are gaining on treadmills in overall sales. Ellipticals offer the benefit of a low-impact workout, while exercising both your upper and lower body. They are particularly appealing to an aging baby boomer generation. Elliptical trainers can be forgiving to aging joints.

Low Impact Exercise with Elliptical MachinesElliptical trainers reduce the stress and strain on your legs through an elliptical motion. Your feet never leave the pedals. It is like walking in midair. In addition, there is no reverse action. The shape of the elliptical movement mimics the natural path of the ankle, knee and hip joints during walking, jogging or running. In comparison, when you walk or run, every step causes a jolt to your body.
zSB(3,3)It is suggested that runners impact up to 2.5 times their body weight. This affects not only the joints in your legs, but also your lower back.

Foot Pedals: To further reduce the strain to your joints, many elliptical trainers are equipped with articulating foot pedals - pedals that conform to your stride. Not only do your feet never leave the pedal, but also the pedal adjusts to the angle of the elliptical stride.

Weight-Bearing Exercise: In comparison to a fitness machine like a stationary bicycle, an elliptical trainer provides a weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing exercises are important to inhibit the onset of osteoporosis.

Dual Action Workout What makes an elliptical trainer unique is the combined upper and lower body workout. In fact, there is no other fitness equipment that simultaneously works as many muscle groups. That is why many refer to an elliptical as a cross-trainer.

With an elliptical trainer, you get a workout that utilizes the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, chest, back, triceps and biceps. The obvious benefit from exercising more muscles is that you tone more of your body. Furthermore, you also optimize your energy expenditure. You end up burning more calories and fat in less time. It is also suggested that there is a reduced perceived rate of exertion with an elliptical workout. You are actually exercising harder then you would normally perceive.

Of course, to get the full benefit of the dual action workout, it is important that you distribute the resistance between your upper and lower body. Many people who exercise on an elliptical trainer place most of the resistance on their lower body and only go through the motions with the upper handlebars.

Programs: Like a treadmill, elliptical trainers are equipped with a variety of challenging exercise programs. These programs mimic hill climbing or interval training through alternating resistance. Many ellipticals are also equipped with wireless heart rate control, which allows you to optimize your workout by letting your heart rate control the resistance level.

Lower Maintenance with Elliptical Trainers A benefit of an elliptical trainer over a treadmill is reduced maintenance. Due to the low-impact elliptical motion, and because of fewer moving parts, an elliptical trainer is less likely to require service. You do not have to worry about belts, motors, rollers and bearings burning out.

Drawbacks for Elliptical TrainersIs there a drawback to an elliptical trainer? Yes! Some people find the dual action, elliptical exercise awkward and are more comfortable simply walking or jogging on a treadmill. In fact, several of Precor’s models offer only the lower body exercise. However, it is my opinion that the dual action workout is what makes an elliptical trainer so appealing.

If you have not tried an elliptical trainer, get to your local fitness equipment store and give it a test. Better yet, pay for a day pass at a health club, and put one through a strenuous workout. See if you notice a difference.

Benefits of Elliptical Machines...Read more:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Elliptical Machines

Ellipticals (elliptical machines) are a combination of escalation and the stairs - a treadmill. Usually, it contains two tracks on which the user is when he or she moves his or her legs, they describe a movement elliptical (hence the machine's name). Some elliptical magnetic resistance controls that add to the difficulty of the motion.

An elliptical (also crosstrainer or elliptical) is a state machine used to simulate the exercise walk or run without excessive pressure on the joints, so reducing the risk of injury effects. Ellipse offer an interest cardiovascular training, which vary from high-intensity light on the basis of the strength of preference. Most coaches elliptical work of the user level and the lower body (although some models have no moving parts upper body).

Through the use of an
elliptical is designed to increase the heart rate of more than muscular development. They can operate with AC current adaptation of movement and / or for the supply of electronic consoles and their resistance. Current models contain resistance adjustable belt recovery (obsolete), magnetic or electromagnetic devices. For some models, the slope of the ramps platinum Bevelled of pedal sponsors can be adapted to different routes of movement of pedal. The outcome of such a modification adjustment burdens on different muscle groups in the legs.

Some models may vary Mechatronics at the same time the passion and strength during training a part of a program. Some trainers may, in a reverse direction and leads.
Ellipticals are, first, on the legs, and most projects are combined with lever handles on each pedal relationship for purposes of a burden for the poor, a secondary source of motive power. The user enters the handles shoulder low and the sliding / retire during schlurfend feet in both directions, as part of their "elliptical" (misleading) marked paths.

For oscillatory movements depend on the management of restricted movements pedal. Bad drivers are also tailored to the user's leg power, the excessive use of speed production tracking reports mechanics, which are not sufficiently benefit to the handle lever. Therefore, such machines to feel the user that his arms are along the route, but as a work participation. The models offer a better combination of smooth movement of arms and legs in the correct report.

Some manufacturers to produce models, which focuses on the longevity and the more frequent use of the Club Room of the environment. These units normally sell for more than $ 4,000 (US) and offer greater durability and scheduling of the House typical user would ever need. An elliptical crosstrainer is comparable to a carpet of course, in its effort on the leg muscles and heart. Ellipticals a number of intermediaries between the movement of the leg and stationary bicycle racing stripes. There are claims that the exercise of a dual action elliptical trainers who can be more efficient burning calories.

The logic is that the exercise by the groups more muscle at the same time a more intense training can be achieved in less time. In addition, it is proposed that the perception of the effort is low. But other studies have shown that the rate of calories to be burned on an elliptical trainer is similar to a treadmill. No matter, elliptical trainers are increasingly. One reason could be that because the person who has the right not to take his feet off the pedals an exercise can be done to a sweet, always the same amount of results of a treadmill.

A recent study by the University of Idaho shows that variations in the length of the elliptical may recruit a greater variety of muscle groups. The study also showed that the length is extended, the more calories are burned without charge higher perceived by the user. This study provides the credibility of the allegations, he is not the length of a few new elliptic functions.

Elliptical Trainers | Elliptical Machines - Essentials for a Complete Home Workout >>